Overview File Prep
Ticketmaster Description Prompts
Write a Google Apps Script for Chat GPT for sheets. The formula will add descriptions to a field in column N and column O for each row that has data. Each row contains information about a single event. Each row has a different event. Search Google Web Search API for the Title listed in column […]
Google Tag Manager and Google Ads
https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/13258081 https://www.google.com/search?q=connect+google+tag+manager+to+website+and+google+ads&oq=connect+google+tag+manager+to+website+and+google+ads&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigATIHCAYQIRirAjIHCAcQIRifBTIHCAgQIRifBTIHCAkQIRifBdIBCTE2NzYwajBqN6gCCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Google Ads Media Assets
Image Ads Video Ads Additional Tips By following these tips, you can create effective and engaging image and video ads for a local plumber, ensuring maximum reach and impact.
Instagram Store/ Facebook for Woocommerce
Link https://woocommerce.com/document/facebook-for-woocommerce/ Facebook Commerce Manager https://business.facebook.com/commerce/
Ali Express Configuration
Website and Chrome How to connect your store to the extension? To connect a new store, click on the extension badge with right mouse button. You will see a new context menu , just click on the Options item. On the Options page you’re able to connect your website. This is a simple process, just […]
SMTP Email Delivery Using Postmark.App
Postmark App https://account.postmarkapp.com/servers Overview The Process follows with Domain verification for signature (the sender), uses one TXT for DKIM sign-by and one CNAME record. allow you to send from any email alias of that domain. Once the domain is verified, you can use any SMTP service and use their SMTP settings present in Postmarkapp server/project name, […]
Google Workspace SMTP
https://apps.google.com/supportwidget/articlehome?hl=en&article_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.google.com%2Fa%2Fanswer%2F2956491%3Fhl%3Den&assistant_id=generic-unu&product_context=2956491&product_name=UnuFlow&trigger_context=a Step 1: Set up SMTP relay in your Google Admin console From Jim SilverPine IT With Google accounts make sure MFA is setup on the accounts and you can create App passwords that are different than the Email password. Use the app password for smtp authentication. Also make sure you have Imap enabled on […]
SMTP Settings for Gravity Forms
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/the-way-to-get-help-and-support Plugin is in Beta not released yet may 2024
Smashballoon IG Feed Failure/Error Message
A number of our sites are getting messages that we have 7 days or the feed will be deactivated. On some, deleting and re-adding the IG connection works. On others it does not. What is the trick to make this work? Hi Ben, Thank you for getting back to me. Would you please navigate to Instagram […]
Ticketmaster API
<aside> 💡 In this guide, I go over the most effective Landing Page structure for B2B, Services, SAAS, Apps, Coaches & Ecom…. 👇 </aside> The Easiest Way To Make Your Site Generate Leads & Sign 3-5 Clients Every Single Month 👇 Use this Landing Page FRAMEWORK + FUNNEL for Your Business How We Booked More […]